Meet Coach Jovonnie


Welcome! I'm Jovonnie, your guide and fellow traveler on this journey towards vibrant living. As a Healthy Habits & Lifestyle Coach with extensive training in Health Promotions, Health Administration, and certifications in Health Education, Life Coaching, Reboot Juice, Functional Nutrition, and Mindful Eating, I blend professional expertise with a deep, personal connection to wellness challenges.

My own path to health began under circumstances that many might find familiar, yet they were deeply personal in their impact. For years, I observed facial hair growth that I assumed was just hereditary, something I'd seen in other family members. My irregular periods were brushed off as 'normal' by anyone I confided in, leaving me to navigate my confusion in silence.

The turning point came one day while driving, when debilitating pain caused me to swerve dangerously close to an 18-wheeler. That terrifying moment led me straight to the ER, where imaging revealed a large cyst on my right ovary. It was then, during my excision surgery in March 2020, that I was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS, and fibroids. This diagnosis was not just a label; it was the start of my profound journey towards strength and understanding.

Today, I stand before you not just as a coach, but as a fervent advocate for a life filled with wellness. My journey propelled me towards an anti-inflammatory lifestyle, embracing plant-based nutrition and the transformative power of mindfulness in both eating and movement.

Here, I don’t just coach; I empower and inspire. With a holistic approach grounded in evidence-based practices, I’m dedicated to guiding you towards reclaiming your vitality and cherishing every step of the wellness journey. Together, let’s embrace a life of mindful choices, leading to lasting vitality and joy.

Thank you for joining me in this space where healing meets empowerment, and where every story, including mine, is a source of strength.